KPI Report on the Sales Data Analysis of Big Group Fashion.

Akanji Emmanuel
5 min readAug 2, 2021

By Akanji Emmanuel

I was given three years’ worth of sales data of the company’s two famous fashion chains in Australia: Next Look and Fashions Direct. And told to evaluate and compare their performances over the last three years.

The Key Performance Indicators were:

  1. Sales By Category: Here a comparison was made over the last three years to see which product sold the most. I used a clustered bar chart to obtain a product category comparison over the past three years to obtain the most performing product in both chains in terms of sales by category.
A Clustered chart showing the sales by product category of both chains

From the chart above we can see the highest performing product by category is the Home” category of Fashions Direct; as it topped the chart while Next Look’s sales in that category paled when put in comparison. Another thing to note is that overall in the past three years Fashions Direct has been pulling in more sales by product category for Big Fashion Group when compared to Next Look.

From the above charts we can also deduce the following:

  1. Overall worst Performing Category: this would be the “Hosiery.
  2. Overall best performing Category: this would be the “Men’s”.
  3. The best performing chain by product category: this would be “Fashions Direct”.

2. Sales by Chain: Here I the goal was to find out their overall sales metric month-by-month over the past three years. Here a line chart was used as that gives us a clear linear indication of how the sales peaked or dipped month by month.

A line Chart giving insights into the month-by-month sales of each chain over the past three years.

Here we can see a spike in the sales of the “Fashions Direct” chain in March 2017, and it is at this point the sales peaked out, then it went through other months of the successive rise and falls in sales. While “Next Look” when taking a look at their sales metric, though it peaked in march of 2017, its sales seems to be stagnated as there wasn’t much progress when compared to “Fashions Direct”.

3. Sales by Manager: The dataset provided me with information on the managers managing both chains across each state in Australia. I then sought out to use the information given to find out the most performing manager across the two chains. The metric was by the number of sales made.

From using a clustered bar chart to compare the managers’ sales performance in their various states across the two chains they manage. We can deduce the following.

  1. The Highest performing manager across the “Fashions Direct” Chain: This would be John Gardener, with sales amount crossing over 4 million dollars.
  2. The Highest performing manager across the “Next Look” Chain: This would be Lillian Pruitt, with sales approaching the 2 million dollars mark.
  3. The Overall Best Performing Manager across both chains is John Gardener.
  4. The worst performing manager across both chains is George Chester.

4. Highest Sales by Chain: Here the goal was to find the chain with the highest sales over the last 3 years.

A pie chart showing the chain with the highest sales in percentage

Here it is clearly shown that Fashions Direct took the lead by having a sales percentage of 71%.

5. Sales Category by State: Here we wanted to see the highest performing state in terms of sales amount across Australia. A map chart was used to depict this.

Here a map chart with an achromatic color scheme was used with light-gray being the lowest and black being the highest. From this chart we can deduce the following:

  1. The state with the highest sales: Is New South Wales(NSW) with sales amount of over 19 million dollars over the past three years.
  2. The state with the lowest sales: This is represented by the light gray color on the map chart and this is Northern Territory(NT). With sales just a little above $600,000.

Here is a dashboard overview of the dashboard created with Excel

Dashboard overview of the project

Conclusion: The analysis done shows that over the past 3 years, the most performing chain has been “Fashions Direct”. This shows that there have been some lapses in the other chain “Next Look”, which is reflected in its poor performance in sales.

Recommendation: A meeting should be held to understand what is causing the lapses and poor performance in the Next Look chain sales.

It should be noted that the Australian Capital Territory(ACT) had the lowest sales in the last 3 years, this indicates the poor performance of the current manager to increase the sales output of both chain and I recommend new personnel should be sent to replace him while he should be transferred after the root cause of his poor performance is duly inquired.

Also, the highest performing manager should be commended and rewarded for the efforts put into the work.

More emphasis should be placed on the highest selling product by category which is the “Men’s” to ensure that the company doesn’t run out of inventory, and I recommend we focus least on the “Hosiery” product category.

Here is a link to the workbook file:

