The Tiny Gears That Shape the Universe.

Akanji Emmanuel
3 min readMar 10, 2020

Tick-tock, tick-tock says the old clock that laid in my house, pausing at it for a moment made my mind to wander far away to the tiny gears in a clock, then a thought struck my mind and I wondered how less of a significance is given to them than the hands that they do control.

A clock when we take a look at it, we just see its face and the hands that move, but have you ever paused to wonder how these hands on the clock move? Though we might all say it’s because its connected to a power source or it has a driving force like the big Ben; yes, you are right but these hands are been moved by tiny gears, that determine when we eat, sleep, helps us keep track of the day and so much as our entire life’s activities, and goes a long way in shaping us as entities of this enormous universe. These gears help us understand how the concept of time works in relation to spatial distance and relativity.

Like the tiny gears in a clock each designed to perform a particular function that plays role in turning the hands of the clock, that tells us the time, we also are like these tiny gears, designed to play an important role in the clock of life and define who we are as individuals and shape the future, but come to think of it, imagine if one day a single gear in every clock all over the world fails to perform its duty, and decides to go reverse, the entire clock would stop working, therefore, we lose track of the day and an important essence of living becomes lost which is the value of time. So also, if we don’t take time to understand that, many of us are like these tiny gears, though so little and seems insignificant play an important role in controlling the greatest commodity and currency available to every individual which is time. If we decide to compare ourselves with the face of the clock or the hands we see on the clock (i.e. the companies and individuals in the face of power) which play less significant roles than the gears itself, we tend to lose sight of the more important role we play in giving them their power (their very existence), we become like tiny gears which fail to perform their functions. Therefore, for us to function well, we have to discover and understand the role we play as tiny gears that shape the universe.

